Might Your Child Take Their Own Life? – Karen Meets Dick Moore

Following the death of his son, former headmaster Dick Moore made helping parents to help their children his life’s work. We talked about diagnosing whether your child might take their own life and what to do about it.

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  1. Catja Ko says

    Thank you for this, what Dick says makes so much sense and it is good to see this very difficult topic discussed. Our daughter has been self harming, has suicidal thoughts and has several times tried to take her own life; understanding, accepting, being there and recognising heightened risk is what is keeping her safe a lot of the time but not always

    • Thank you for your comment. Yes, it is a very difficult subject. It is more common than we might think, but because it isn’t a topic people usually like to talk about, we might not realise how common it is. Dick has helped to bring awareness to it and has helped a lot of people along the way.
      My very best wishes to you and your family,

  2. We all have friends who are depressed and according to the Black Dog Tribe website 55% of children who are bullied when they are young go on to be depressed. That is a really high percentage and so thank you to Dick Moore for highlighting the issue and making us all aware of its dangers and explaining ways in which we could help.

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